Kissing Trouble Read online

Page 21

  “Yes!” Julie sobbed, tightening her knees.

  Still devouring her mouth, Mason stalked across the short distance and dumped her onto the bed. He paused for a split second to rip off his top before he was on her, crushing her into the mattress. One toned thigh found its way to the crest of her body as the rest of him was eagerly gathered in her arms.

  His kisses trailed along the length of her jaw, down the column of her neck to nip at her collarbone. His fingers wrapped around the thin strap of her camisole and tugged it over the slope of her shoulder, following the path with his mouth. His free hand did the same with the other side, drawing her top down her chest in the process.

  Julie bit her lip, scarcely breathing as the collar inched over the swell of her breasts, caught on the sharp points of her nipples, and then dragged free, but not before kindling a new wave of hunger that exploded in the pit of her stomach. She writhed beneath him, desperately trying to get him between her legs where he belonged. But he kept her pinned, holding her prisoner as he feasted on her with his eyes.

  “So fucking perfect,” he breathed through every pant.

  It would be even more perfect if you had your pants off and were buried deep inside me, she wanted to say and was about to when his head dropped and he caught her right breast in his mouth.

  All thoughts of speech vanished as he assaulted the nipple to the point of pure agony. He suckled, all the while watching her as she squirmed beneath him. His blue eyes were dark pits of ravenous pleasure that bore straight into her. Then, with a nip of his teeth that tore a wail from her, he switched, leaving the abandoned nipple throbbing, shriveled and wet in the cool air of the room.

  Julie squeezed her eyes closed tight, bit her lip, and hissed as her back arched, shamelessly begging for more. And Mason didn’t disappoint. He closed his hand around the thigh not trapped between his and thrust it aside to palm the inferno blazing in between.

  A series of prayers and curses burst from her lips as she all but climaxed on the spot. Her eyes rolled back into her skull.

  “Is this what you want?” His lips were grazing the curve of her jaw. One finger slipped through the gaping hole left in the pant leg of her shorts. It skimmed the inside seam of her panties before moving inward. He hissed and then groaned huskily against her skin. “Your panties are soaked.” He pressed with two fingers against the damp patch, making her cry out when it pushed against her throbbing center. “But it’s not enough. I want you wetter.”

  The elastic gave way easily under his demanding attention and his fingers were slipping through her folds, parting them, and diving into the pool gathered at the core.

  “Mason!” Her hoarse cry was met with a wicked grin from him as he circled her opening with the tip of one finger.

  “I want a closer look.” It wasn’t a request, but a demand that darkened the gleam in his eyes. He twisted his hand around, fisted the material of her panties and shorts, and began tugging them downward. “I want to see your pussy before I fuck it into exhaustion.”

  She choked on her gasp and a fresh flood of arousal trickled free. Mason’s smirk only intensified.

  The band of her shorts dragged over her hipbones and crept along her pelvis when suddenly, he stopped. His expression went from predatory to alarmed.

  “Do you smell that?”

  For a second, she almost took offense, when suddenly the bitter stench of something burning chased away the passion haze cocooning her.

  Mason scrambled off her and bolted upright. Julie hurriedly straightened her clothes and followed him to her feet. But Mason was already out the door with a hasty demand that she stay put. Jelly-legged and painfully aroused, Julie ignored the command and hurried after him.

  The smell was stronger when they hit the bottom of the stairs. A thick, black cloud poured out of the kitchen, forming a dark halo around the hallway light. Coughing, they followed the smoke and the clang of pots and pans into the kitchen and found Shaun cursing and waving a towel over a two foot high flame leaping over the grill.

  Mason clamped one hand over his mouth and nose and dove deeper inside. He rushed to the pantry, threw open the door, and disappeared inside.

  Julie stood frozen in the doorway, blinking back the sting of tears, as she watched in horror as the towel in Shaun’s hand caught ablaze with an audible whoof.

  With a cry of alarm, Shaun dropped the rag to the floor where it continued to smolder and get eaten by flames.

  Prodded out of her shock, Julie raced forward, and was about to stomp on it, when she remembered she had no shoes on. Thinking quickly, she grabbed a pot lid off the counter, swooped down, and slammed it down repeatedly on the fire, smothering it to charred ashes and burnt fabric.

  Mason ran out then, a box of baking soda in hand. He shoved Shaun out of the way and dumped the entire contents on the grill.

  The fire died instantly, leaving behind a thick, suffocating plume of smoke that coiled up to join the black wall choking the ceiling.

  “What the fuck?” Mason growled, twisting around to glare at his friend.

  Julie scrambled to her feet and hurried to the terrace doors. She threw them open and gulped down the fresh, clean air on the other side. Her lungs burned and her eyes were still watering, but the cold eased some of that, plus some of the heat Mason had left behind.

  “I was trying to make mac and cheese!” Shaun was shouting back when she returned to the room.

  “How the hell do you screw that up?” Mason barked in return. “It’s not rocket science. Water. Pasta. Drain. Simple.”

  It was hard to tell if the flush on Shaun’s face was from the panic of nearly burning the house down or from actual embarrassment, but it brightened the scowl knotting his brows.

  “I got distracted, okay? I put the water on the stove and next thing I know ... the damn thing’s on fire.”

  Mason blinked. His eyebrows rose in skeptic disbelief. “You burned water?”

  Against her better judgment, Julie snickered. It was clearly the wrong thing to do, because now Shaun’s full attention was on her.

  “What the hell are you laughing at?” he snapped. “This would never have happened if you’d just made supper like you were supposed to.”

  Julie snorted. “I’m not your keeper.”

  Shaun narrowed his eyes at her. Then they moved over her, down her, before shifting to Mason and doing the same. Julie flushed, wondering just how she must look with her swollen mouth and wrinkled clothes. That wasn’t including her tangled hair and a very bright blush darkening her cheeks. If that didn’t give away what they’d been doing, she was sure the hard on still bulging against Mason’s shorts was a dead giveaway.

  He stared at Mason with a look of absolute revulsion. “Dude, seriously?”

  “Shut up!” Mason shoved him as he moved to the sink and grabbed a rag. He pitched it at Shaun. “That better come off,” he said, pointing to the ruined pot smoldering on the stove.

  Without waiting for a response, he started for the doorway. He paused on the threshold to glance back towards Julie.


  She would have followed him anyway, not only because she really wanted them to finish what they’d started, but also because no way was she staying there alone with Shaun.

  She nodded and accepted the hand he extended to her. His touch was warm and sent the butterflies in her stomach dancing. He pulled her into the hallway and out of Shaun’s sight before pushing her into the closest wall. His mouth found hers, fast, hard and greedy. Julie never hesitated, pushing back, entwining her arms around his neck and returning the demand for submission.

  But unlike in her room, he didn’t push past that. Instead, he broke the kiss and peered breathlessly down at her.

  “We’re not finished,” he promised huskily. “I’m going to have you. But first I need to make sure Shaun doesn’t kill us all.”

  Despite the weakness in her knees and the hard thundering of her heart, Julie chuckled feebly. “I think I need a sh
ower. A cold one.”

  He growled deep in his throat, lowered his face, and rested his brow against hers. “That’s just mean.”


  He kissed her slower this time. “Because images of you naked, wet, and soapy is not going to help me keep the house from burning down. In fact, that’s all I’m going to think about now.”

  Delighted by his response, Julie gently pushed him back. “Well, keep that image in mind as a reminder that you have a job to finish.”

  Heat flickered behind his darkened eyes. “Oh, I don’t need a reminder.” He reached down and gripped the long, hard shaft tenting the front of his shorts. “Trust me.”

  Biting her bottom lip, Julie smothered her grin as she left him and hurried upstairs. She had just reached the top landing when the door near the end of the hall opened and a sleep tousled Luis emerged, grinding his fists into his eyes and stifling a yawn. He blinked one eye open and squinted at Julie.

  “What’s that smell?”

  Julie almost laughed. “Shaun’s cooking.”

  Luis took this in a moment, gave a decisive nod, turned on his heels and marched back into his room, shutting the door behind him. But not before he said, “I’m fine with starving,” from over his shoulder.

  Mason never returned that night. Julie lay in bed wearing nothing but her panties and bra, watching the door, only to be left disappointed when it remained firmly shut. She had hoped that after dinner he would follow her back to her room, throw her on the bed, and take her until she couldn’t see straight, but he had gone into the living and started a game of chess with Luis while Shaun flipped uselessly through the channels. Julie had excused herself and gone straight to her room, thinking maybe he was giving her time to get ready. So she had showered, brushed her teeth, shaved her legs, and even did a little trimming of her nether regions before donning her prettiest pair of underwear to wait for him.

  They weren’t Victoria’s Secret material. They didn’t even have lace and were a soft white cotton. But they were comfortable, clean and the bra did hold her breasts nicely. As sexy went, it was the best she could do. Instead, the man she was waiting for was too busy playing chess to notice.

  Annoyed and severely frustrated, Julie shut off the lights and flopped back against the pillows. Her body thrummed as though livewires had been snaked beneath her skin. She could still feel Mason’s fingers moving in slow, maddening circles around the rim of her vagina. She could feel his mouth, hot and wet closed around her nipples. She knew there would be no sleep for her unless she dealt with the problem, and if Mason wasn’t going to help ... she would just do it herself.

  Rolling the damp material of her panties down her legs, she tossed it somewhere towards the foot of the bed. Her bra quickly followed. She laid her overheated body against the cool sheets and moaned. Her nipples puckered in the chill of the room and she smoothed them beneath her thumbs, rolling them slowly as she kicked the covers aside and spread her knees apart wide. Another moan left her as the air licked the moisture between her thighs. Her eyes closed as she squirmed slightly. The sheets rustled beneath her.

  She wasn’t ignorant of her body. She had learned the workings of it as soon as she figured out how good she could make herself feel with just her fingers. She had often fantasized about Mason during those nights. Later, when she’d gotten into college and met Todd, she had his fingers, his tongue, and, after six months of making him wait, his cock. He’d been her first and last so far. After they’d broken up, the only thing she really missed was waking up to him licking her pussy before he fucked her silly.

  Unfortunately for her, she hadn’t thought to bring a vibrator with her, too afraid one of the kids might find it. Well, it didn’t matter now. She had her fingers and they had served her well the last four years.

  With that thought, she tucked her right hand between her sprawled thighs and smoothed the folds apart with two fingers. She flicked the swollen muscle quivering for attention and moaned around the tight clamp her teeth had on her bottom lip as that single caress sent shivers of pleasure through her. Her eyes fluttered closed as she moved in deeper, reaching for the slick pool in the center. Both fingers slipped easily inside, gliding over slick walls that convulsed greedily for more. Her back arched. Her hips rolled against her own palm, mashing her aching clit against her heel.

  Trembling and so close, she pulled her wet fingers back to roam circles around her clit the way she was circling her nipple with her other thumb.

  Groaning, she rolled onto her stomach, burying her face into the pillow and pushing her ass into the air as the first wave of release rang through her head. Her wail of Mason’s name was muffled by the mound of feathers as she bucked against the air and her pumping hand.

  When the last of the first climax faded, she pushed up onto her knees with one hand while the other kept lazily stroking the pulsing nub between her legs. Her hips rolled and her head fell back as she came again. Hot, sticky cream trickled between her fingers and she used it to further coat her pulsing pussy.

  Her fingers were still working on removing her of every last tremor when she finally collapsed onto her side and began to drift into a content slumber.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the lingering after stink of burnt metal led her into the kitchen and a waiting Mason. He glanced up from the mug in his hand when she walked in and the look in his eyes could only be construed as knowing ... and predatory.

  “Morning,” she whispered, feeling her heart pick up speed.

  “Morning,” he said in a low, gravely murmur. “How did you sleep?”

  Something in his tone made her pussy clench and her nipples tighten. It also made her mouth go dry. She dragged a mug down with shaky fingers.

  “Fine. You?”

  She quickly turned her back on him and reached for the coffee pot. Her fingers closed around the handle and stuck.

  Behind her, she heard the screech of wood scraping against wood. She heard the almost deafening clink of ceramic being set down on glass. Then the unmistakable rustle of clothes as he rose to his feet.

  The coffee pot rattled in her nervous gasp and she quickly let go of it. Unlocking her fingers turned out to be a task in itself.

  “I came to your room.” He was right behind her. His chest brushed her back. “What do you think I found?”

  Her first reaction to the thought of him standing over her while she lay naked and sated was a searing, white hot spear of pleasure that dampened her panties. Then it was mortification.

  “You came to my room?”

  His hard hands clamped down on her hips when she started to whirl around. He thrust her forward, trapping her between the counter and a very large erection grinding into the crack of her ass through her shorts.

  “What do you think I found, Julie?” he repeated slowly, with an ominous command in his tone that sent slivers of delight down her spine. “What were you doing without me?”

  “I ... I waited...” Her voice broke, giving way to a breathy whimper when he lowered his head and nuzzled her ear. “You didn’t come and I...”

  “What?” he prodded.

  She moistened her dry lips. “I needed to come.”

  His fingers tightened on her sides. “And did you?”

  Breathing hard, Julie nodded.

  “How many times?”


  He made a quiet humming sound as his hands relinquished their iron grip to travel up her arms.

  “Do you know how hard it was not to wake you up?” His voice dropped several octaves until it was nothing but a low, guttural growl vibrating directly into her ear, sending hot shivers down her already aroused body. “To not slip into bed with you, pull apart your legs, and lick you clean?”


  He caught her with one arm around her middle when her knees buckled.

  “It broke my heart to walk away,” he went on using that siren voice of his. “Especially when you were t
hat wet because you were thinking of me, isn’t that right?” He ground his cock harder against her. “Were you thinking of me?” The hand on her arm drifted up and caught the strap of her camisole with one finger. “Were you imagining me fucking you?”

  “Yes!” she gasped.

  His heart cracked against her shoulder blade, the only indication that he wasn’t as collected as he was portraying.

  He dragged the strap down her arm. Then, releasing the only thing holding her up, he did the same to the other side until her breasts were freed of her top’s confines. The nipples jutted out, proud and pink against her flushed chest.

  “If I put my hands inside your panties...” He cupped her breasts and flicked both nipples with his thumbs. He hummed in satisfaction when she whimpered. “Is your pussy wet and ready for me?”

  Head rolling back onto his shoulder, Julie arched her back, thrusting her breasts more securely into his palms.

  “Check,” she panted.

  “But I’m asking you.”

  Licking her lips, Julie nodded. “Yes.”

  His chest rumbled against her back with satisfaction. One hand fell away from her thoroughly pinkened nipple. It slid down her quivering abdomen to disappear deftly under the elastic of her shorts.

  Julie cried out and barely caught the counter to keep from crumpling at his feet when he, without warning, plunged two fingers deep inside her.

  “Mm,” he drawled lazily. “Yes, she is going to fit perfectly around my cock.”

  She couldn’t think of a single thing to say, or think. A familiar ringing had started between her ears and she knew she was a handful of strokes away from coming.

  He must have felt it too, because he quickened the slap of his palm against her clit and the drive of his fingers deeper inside her. Julie met every thrust with a downward one of her own.

  “Shit!” she gasped, so close. “Mason ... don’t stop...”

  But he did, and instead of pulling out completely, he left his fingers buried to the knuckle so her walls rippled around them, begging for the release hovering inches away.