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Bye-Bye Baby Page 29

  He pulled back.

  “Fuck!” she swore venomously.

  He smirked, showing his first facial expression as he climbed off the bed and reached for something inside the bedside table. The pale light from the window glinted off the sharp point of the scissors. Beth didn’t flinch. There wasn’t a shred of fear in her as he returned to her side.

  “Scared?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I trust you.”

  His features softened. The side of her face was brushed lovingly with the back of his fingers. “Good.”

  He cut the straps on her bra and pitched the ruined article aside. Her panties went next. He set the scissors down on the end table and went back to the place by her sprawled feet.

  He simply sat and studied her, a body he’d done just about everything under the sun to at some point like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. And she felt beautiful lying there, flushed and aroused.

  Slowly, he got off the bed. Beth watched as he removed his clothes with a leisureliness that made her want to scream. When he returned, his cock was stiff against his beautifully carved stomach. The tendons in his arms flexed as he crawled over her. The ripples reminded her of a large cat advancing on a helpless bird. Her legs parted even wider, welcoming him to all of her.

  He stopped when he had both hands planted on the pillow on either side of her head. He lowered his head and took her nipples into his mouth. First one, then the other in unhurried sucks. He tugged on them with his teeth and fire lanced through her to spike between her legs. Her frustrated grunts as she tried fruitlessly to grind her clit against the cock hovering inches over her mound filled the room.

  “Good things come to good girls who wait,” he said against her breast.

  “I have been waiting!” she snapped at him. “Cole, please, I need you inside me.”


  Growling her aggravation, Beth watched the attentive way he pulled the rosy peaks between his lips. They were shiny from his mouth and thoroughly loved. That same beautiful mouth moved over the hill and down the center of her stomach towards her mound.

  Yes! Yes! Her mind screamed the closer he drew. She waited with bated breath as he pushed her thighs further apart with his hands to accommodate his wide shoulders. His hands splayed her wet lips to his eyes. His thumb worked the outside to the crest and then down, flicking her clit in the process and sending Beth’s mind reeling and her breath catching in her chest.


  Beth shook her head. “I … I’m still on the pill.”

  He nodded once before rising himself up over her again. “I’m not going to make love to you tonight,” he said evenly, blue eyes clashing with her green ones. “But I am going to fuck you. I’m going to make your pussy remember me every time you sit down.” His words scattered and dimmed when his hand smoothed over her cleft and cupped her. “Do you still want it?”

  She didn’t even think about it. “Yes! Fuck me.”

  Dark satisfaction gleamed in his eyes. The hint of a smirk feathered over his mouth. But it was the two fingers he worked up inside her that Beth noticed most. It was the way they pushed all the way to the knuckles before drawing back. It was the way they hooked inside her, dragging along her walls. Her eyes widened as realization hit her a split second before the first unbearable punch of pleasure did.

  Cole pushed back deep inside her before repeating the stroke and destroying all her senses. Her toes curled. Her back arched. Bells roared in her ears as everything else faded to white noise. And she hadn’t even climaxed yet.

  “No, no, no, no, no, no, no…”

  Her head flung desperately from side to side as the pressure intensified to an unbearable rumble that ripped through her like lightening. Her hips drove against Cole’s hand, her body racing to accept the pleasure waiting for her just on the other side. But every time he moved off her switch, she was left flailing to get him back there.

  “No, Cole! No!” she sobbed wildly. “Don’t stop! God, please … I’m so close.”

  Cole didn’t listen to her. He continued to torment her until she was openly weeping. The suffering felt like hours long, like whole days had passed when she knew rationally it couldn’t have been. Her walls convulsed and shuddered around his invasion. She couldn’t stop it. The next time he struck the swollen knot of tissue, Beth screamed as she was torn to pieces by an electric current that shot through her entire body. Her legs flailed wildly. Her back and hips lurched off the mattress in awkward jerks that were beyond her control. The ocean thundered between her ears, masking everything but her wild shrieks.

  There was a moment where Cole’s fingers vanished from inside her, but it was so quick, she barely had time to determine which side was up when he drove inside her.

  The room tore all over again. Her arms yanked against the bindings keeping them restricted, but nothing happened.

  “Louder!” Cole hissed into her ear as he pounded into her with the vengeance of a man possessed. “I want the whole building to know what I’m doing to your tight little cunt.”

  Beth met every violent thrust with a desperate push of her own. The bed rattled and slammed into the wall. Her tangled wails of pain and pleasure as the waves continued to take her under coiled around Cole’s roar as he rammed scalding hot come up inside her channel. It overflowed and drenched the sheets under them, but he kept thrusting, dragging out every last second of her orgasm until she was begging him to stop.

  His plunges slowed to mind numbing drags and Beth was powerless to stop him without her hands. His mouth moved across her throat from ear to ear. He nipped on her earlobe.

  “We’re not done, baby,” he breathed tauntingly. “I’m not done.”

  To prove it, he pulled out all the way before plunging back through the tight, pulsing ring of her vagina. Beth howled in dizzying ecstasy, her mind grappling with the knowledge that he was already hard. That realization was the thing that spiked a micro orgasm from her that suckled at the erection he was pushing inside her.

  “God, I missed that,” she half gasped, half sobbed.

  He growled his pleasure against her mouth. “Good thing we have all day and all night, huh?”

  Beth woke up the next morning to a steady thrum of pain as every muscle in her body protested any movement. Joints she hadn’t used in years screamed. The place between her legs hummed. And she had never felt so good. Her entire body felt alive and it had only taken almost twelve hours of fucking with breaks in between for food, naps, and the occasional shower. The bed was a rumpled mess of roped sheets, scattered pillows, and tangled blankets. Amongst them, possibly facing the right way, Beth lay in a tangled jumble with Cole. At some point, his body ended and hers continued. It was the sort of morning she missed waking up to. She almost hated having to move, but there were just some things too important to ignore, like using the bathroom … and coffee.

  Unraveling herself from Cole, she slid out of bed, scooped his t-shirt off the floor and crept to the door. The bathroom was first on her hit list. The kitchen was next. She was standing over the coffee machine when she felt the air shift against her back. She didn’t have to turn to feel him come up behind her. Her body sensed him before he touched her, before his hands slid to her hips and his mouth found the side of her neck.


  A smile tugged on her mouth. “Very.”

  His arms eased around her waist and she was folded against his chest. “Love you.”

  The quiet murmur glided the length of her spine, a warm caress that reached straight through her skin to wrap around her heart.

  “Love you, too.”

  Chapter Nineteen ~ Cole

  “I don’t get it,” Damon murmured as he watched Cole set cookies on a plate.

  “Well, Santa gets hungry,” Cole explained, earning himself the most skeptical eyebrow lift in history.

  “Didn’t he just have cookies in the last house?” Damon rationalized with more logic than a six year old s
hould ever possess.

  Cole eyed him. “Beth!”

  Putting the final touches on the tree, Beth looked up, eyes dancing with silent laughter. “You’re the one who suggested giving cookies to a stranger.”

  Still squinting at Damon, Cole took up the plate of cookies and started towards the living room. “I didn’t realize my motives would be questioned by a six year old.”

  “I’m almost seven,” Damon said evenly. “And I don’t believe in Santa.”

  Cole gasped. “What kind of kid doesn’t believe in Santa?”

  Turning on his stool, Damon watched as Cole set the plate next to the cup of milk on the end table. “I’ve never seen him.”

  “I’ve never seen air, but I’m alive, aren’t I?”

  Damon gave Cole a look that said very clearly, really?

  “Santa is real!” Cole said. “Beth, tell him.”

  Beth just laughed, being no help whatsoever.

  “Well, you know what?” Cole folded his arms. “You just keep being all negative, mister. But when you get a lump of coal, don’t come crying to me.”

  Damon blinked slowly. “So he carries presents and coal in his tiny sleigh, pulled by four tiny reindeers?”

  Beth’s laughter grew louder.

  “Nine!” Cole exclaimed. “There are nine reindeers. Gah, do they not teach you anything at that school?”

  Beth was practically under the tree now, making weird choking noises.

  Damon opened his mouth, prepared to answer when something seemed to dawn on him and his eyes narrowed. “No, no they don’t. Can I stay home?”

  Now even Cole was laughing. He moved back to where the boy sat and snatched him up off the stool.

  “Nice try.”

  With Damon still in his arms, he walked to the sofa and dumped the boy down on it. Beth sniffled, wiped her eyes, and went back to tossing ropes of silver tinsel over the branches of their Christmas tree. Cole had wanted to get a fake one, but had ultimately agreed with Beth that Damon deserved a real Christmas, since like most things in his life, this would be his first. It never failed to amaze Cole just how much he’d been deprived, simple things that even Cole had had growing up, like ice cream, pears, and Christmas. It only made Cole all the more adamant to give Damon these things and watch him experience them with wonder and surprise, with the exception of grapefruit. Damon hadn’t been a fan, which Cole couldn’t blame him for.

  “Is Willa coming tomorrow?” Damon asked.

  Cole dropped down next to him. “No, we’re going to go over for supper.”


  He looked down at the boy, brow raised. “What’s up?”

  Damon shrugged, but the dark patches riding high in his cheeks spoke loudly for him. “Nothing.”

  Cole glanced towards the tree and caught Beth watching them. She grinned and he knew what she was thinking, that Damon and Willa were just adorable. Cole personally thought it was too soon to be thinking wedding plans; they were still just babies, for crying out loud. Nevertheless, even he couldn’t help grinning a little when the two were together.

  “Can I call her?” Damon blurted, so quickly, it was a jumble of words.

  Cole peered down at him, puzzled. “Don’t you always?”

  “I … I mean now,” Damon clarified.

  Cole checked his watch. “She might still be awake…”

  He barely got the words out before Damon was scrambling off the sofa and hurrying towards the kitchen counter. He had to climb on the stool to reach Cole’s cellphone, but he hurried back with the thing clutched in his hand. He passed it to Cole and stood waiting.

  Biting back his chuckle, Cole punched in two on the keypad and showed Damon. “She’s on speed dial,” he told him. “Just hold two until it rings.”

  Damon didn’t seem to be listening. He snatched the phone from Cole and ran from the room. A moment later, his bedroom door clicked shut.

  “Remember to say hi!” Cole shouted after him.

  Beth chuckled. “I think Sloan and Lily are used to him asking for Willa before remembering his manners. He certainly calls them enough.”

  “Calls Willa, you mean,” he corrected.

  Beth crushed the box the tinsels had come in and dropped it down next to the other garbage.

  “So number two, huh?” She rose to her feet, dusted her backside and grinned at him. “I’m curious who number one is.”

  Cole offered her a half smile as he raised his arms and folded them behind his head. “Same person it has always been.” He traced her face. “You.”

  The glow in her eyes was tender and filled with more love than he knew what to do with, but refused to live without. She crossed to him and he reached for her. His hands closed around her hips, guiding her over his lap. Her knees fit around his hips and she straddled him. She circled his neck with her arms.

  Cole let his hands roam up her back through the soft material of her sweater. He let his fingers comb through the heavy curtain of hair falling around her shoulders. He let himself melt into her scent.

  “I have something for you,” he murmured, letting his fingers work the line of her jaw to her mouth.

  Beth smiled. “What?”

  The thing that could make or break them, he thought, his stomach doing that anxious knotting thing it had been doing continuously for the last two weeks since he made the decision to buy the gift. All he could think was what if their relationship wasn’t ready, what if it wasn’t strong enough and this broke them for good?

  “Tomorrow,” he whispered.

  The morning that could potentially change everything for them, Cole woke up excited and nauseous. It was Christmas morning and the day he was already anxious to end.

  Turning his head down, he nuzzled the top of Beth’s head where it lay across his chest. Her slow even breaths assured him she was still sleeping. That worked fine for him, waking her up had become an almost hobby for him, but it needed to be different this time.

  Carefully, he nudged her onto her back and shoved away the blankets. Her beautiful body was already naked from the pre-Christmas celebration they’d had the night before. He took advantage of it by nudging her legs apart and climbing into the space between. His mouth went straight to work lavishing her perfect little slit with open mouthed kisses. He let his tongue dance over the cleft before sucking the muscle into his mouth.

  Above him, Beth came awake with a gasp. Her hands automatically went to the back of his head. Her knees lifted and pulled apart.

  “Don’t stop…” she breathed, still half asleep.

  Cole nibbled on her clit until her slow, steady breaths became shallow pants and the hands in his hair tightened. Gingerly, he pulled back and climbed over her. His cock slid seamlessly home and she bowed beneath him. Her moan stirred the silence. Her quiet yes coursed through him.

  He lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth. He suckled lightly on one while the other was rolled beneath his thumb. His hips lifted and dropped in slow, gentle plunges that earned soft little gasps from her. Her hips rolled up to meet him and he slid one arm beneath her, lifting her to him.

  “I love you, Beth,” he whispered against her soft skin.

  Her answer was to push him onto his back and rise over him with her palms braced against his chest. Her pale body seemed to glow in the early morning light. Her hair was a riot of dark strands tumbling around her flushed face as she threw her head back and moaned. She rocked over him in a rhythm he knew she liked. Her velvet walls rippled around him. Her hands trembled. A quiet gasp escaped and her back arched.

  Cole pushed up on his elbow and took an offered nipple between his teeth.


  “I’m here,” he promised.

  Her nails bit into his shoulders. Her body shuddered. She whimpered his name again and again as she shattered around him. He was there to catch her when she slumped forward. He took her body under his and moved against her tightened walls, dragging out the sensation. Beth locked her ankles a
round his ribs and begged for more.

  “Look at me.”

  Her eyes opened, black pits ringed by a slender band of green. They met his and held as he came inside her and stayed there, stayed locked deep inside her body with their mixed juices seeping out around the tight seam of her pussy.

  Her lips bowed into a sleepy, sated smile. “Morning.”

  Rather than respond, Cole bent his head and kissed her, pouring every drop of his love for her into it. He was rewarded by a hum and the tight circle of her arms.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her mouth. “I love you so much.”

  Beth pulled back and peered up into his face. Her smile was gone, replaced by a frown of concern. Her hand lightly stroked the side of his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He could only shake his head as anxiety pounded at the back of his skull.


  He kissed her again, harder, a little desperate and scared now. She must have felt it, too, because she tightened her hold on him.

  “I love you, too,” she murmured, maybe because she knew he needed to hear it.

  Hearing it helped ease some of the pressure twisting in his chest, but it wasn’t enough. It wouldn’t be enough until after tonight.

  “We should see if Damon’s awake,” he said quietly. “I was hoping he would wake us up, but I guess he’s still sleeping.”

  “Well, he did say he didn’t believe in Santa.”

  Cole sighed. “Yeah, I guess. I was just hoping.”

  Quietly, they climbed out of bed and dressed. They padded from the room in silence.

  “I’ll start coffee,” Beth said. “You grab the kid.”

  They parted ways at Damon’s door. Cole nudged it open and peeked inside at the unmade and empty bed. He pushed the door open wider and stepped inside, but a quick search of the room assured him what his gut already knew: Damon wasn’t there.


  He turned away from the room and found Beth standing over the sofa, both hands pressed to her heart. She looked up and waved him over with one finger pressed to her lips. Curious, Cole crossed to her and peered down at the tiny, pale figure bundled beneath the throw he usually kept over the back of the sofa. He lay sprawled on his stomach, mouth hanging open. One arm draped over the side and dangled near the floor.